
NAME: Emanuela – “Manú”
AGE: 13 years old
HEIGTH: 5’8”
SIGN: Sagittarius
BEST FRIENDS: Clara, Giovanna and Valentina
STRENGTH: Optimistic, Dedicated and Conscious.
WEAKNESS: Introspective, Vulnerable and Jealous.
After a traffic accident with her parents, Emanuela started using prosthesis on one of her legs and from an early age, she understood that such an event would inevitably be part of her life trajectory.
Happy and at ease with life, Manú can always see the positive side of any situation. Naturally optimistic, she easily perceives the beauty that exists within each person and every detail of everything that surrounds her. Owner of an easy going behavior, Manú is always smiling and with a positive message ready to cheer up her friends.
Manú was never intimidated by the use of a prosthesis on one of her legs. She always believed that her skills and abilities would not be measured or limited by this fact. With that, she dedicated herself to the practice of sports and became the titular goalkeeper of the school’s official handball team.
The accident that cost her leg, occurred when the girl was in the back seat of her parents ‘car, without a seat belt, when another car collided with her parents’! The driver of the other vehicle was driving while talking on his cell phone! Fortunately, such an accident did not take away from Manú her happiness and joy.
Manú is a sensitive child and always willing to help others, whether with an attitude or a word of comfort. She likes to make new friends and discover the similarities between her and her new friends!
Manú doesn’t like it when others feel “sorry” for her because of the prosthesis and that’s why she always dedicates herself to everything she does, to prove that there is no limit to what she or any other child can do.
Always dedicated to everything she does, Manú does not allow to be limited or classified due to her prosthesis! She always excels at what she does, as it is living proof that she can do anything she really wants.